Root Canals

Does your tooth have a hole from a lost cavity or trauma? Is this issue causing you tooth pain? Then, you have landed on the right website if you are looking for a Dentist in London, Ontario, offering Root Canal surgery.

 Call our clinic today so we can book you an appointment that suits your schedule.

Need A Root Canal?

If you are in pain because of the need for a root canal procedure, the experts at our dental offices can help you achieve comfort in your mouth again soon. Before, people think when the dentist informed him that a root canal procedure had to be done for his tooth, he might loos that tooth; at Apple Tree Dental, we have all the updated technology to save your tooth and make it functional again.

Root Canals

What Is A Root Canal?

Our teeth have a container called pulp which holds all of the nerves and blood supply to our teeth. Extending down into the root, the pulp can get infected or injured resulting in the need for a root canal. The most common reason for a pulp infection is bacteria. Deep in the tooth cavity is a lot of debris and bacteria, which can move directly to the nerve and cause sharp pain and tooth sensitivity.

How do you know that your tooth needs a root canal procedure?

• Swelling and tenderness in the area close to your tooth
• Sharp shooting pain in a certain area of your mouth
• Dark discoloration in the tooth
• Sever sensitivity in response to hot or cold temperature.
Just to mention that not all cases of tooth require root canal procedure have pain experience, the dentist will diagnose the problem.

Root Canals

What happened during the root canal procedure?

This procedure might involve one to three dental visits. Dr. Altalib will remove the infected tissue after providing very effective freezing medicine which is topical anesthesia, next will sterilize and rinse the canal to make it ready to receive the filling material, it might be important to mention if the tooth becomes week and have minimum tooth structure left is to place a crown or cap to prevent the tooth from any fracture incident, this will be clarified later with your regular dental checkup to achieve optimum oral health

Root Canals
Book Appointment - Main Form

Apple Tree Dental has two locations to serve you. Please select the location closest to you and we will send your booking request directly to that location.

North Address:
1365 Beaverbrook Ave.
Unit 102 London, Ontario
N6H 0J1 [View On Map]
South Address:
3429 Wonderland Rd S
Unit 6 N6L 0E3
[View On Map]

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